Sanity Restored

I guess you could say I’m addicted to exercise. If I go more than a few days without getting some kind of a workout in, my morale starts to sag. Going for a solid run, especially if it’s on a trail, is a sure-fire way to bring things back into balance for me.

Lately I’ve been enjoying exploring hidden trails that I find in the arroyos that run down through the Catalina Foothills neighborhoods. I don’t have to drive as far to find a trail to run on, and it’s fun to go exploring on foot.

Sometimes there’s an actual trail to run on, which is a great find in the city. But more often it’s just the arroyo basin, which means running in sand, which is not quite as awesome. Today it was all sand, which made for a slow uphill slog, so I returned on the road so I could work up a little speed on the way back down.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

All in all it was a great run, and it did everything I needed it to do. Sanity restored.

Here we go again…

Well, here we go again. I’m starting another website/blog thing. But this time I think it’s going to work and I’ll tell you why. It sounds simple and obvious, but this time I went ahead and got my name as a domain name.

That matters because in the past it was always me trying to somehow tie the blog into my business somehow, or more recently when I set something up at (@actualgabe being my Twitter handle). Somehow this always seemed to constrain me, to limit what I felt like writing about. It’s tough enough to get started writing without throwing in more resistance, so I finally said what the heck and got, and it feels right.

I resisted getting my name as a domain name because my last name is difficult to spell and I guess I unconsciously thought it would make it hard for people to remember. But that was just another constraint I was putting in my way.

This blog is for me to write about whatever I feel like writing about, and if it’s interesting enough, people will find it. Heck they might even remember how to spell my last name. As for how to pronounce it, I could just say what my dad says when anyone asks him: “however you like”. But I won’t be ornery, I’ll tell you how I say it: loo-chay.

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